Other Name: Beta vulgaris

Period/Seasonal Colour: deep purple

Height: two feet

Where To Plant: beetroot seeds are almost always started indoors—whether in a greenhouse or a sunny window ledge—and then transplanted to beds once they have at least a few leaves and an established root system.

When To Plant: If your soil is heavy then start to prepare it in late autumn, else prepare the soil in early spring.

How To Plant: Sow the seeds about 5cm (2in) apart in rows, leaving about 25cm (10in) between rows. Plant the seeds about 2cm (¾in) deep and give them a good watering.  The closer the plants, the smaller the  beets will be. 

Added Benefits: Beet greens are an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin C, copper, potassium, manganese, vitamin B2, magnesium, vitamin E, fiber and calcium.

Tips: Water your beetroot in very dry weather, as dryness can lead to woodiness. Do not water too heavily, otherwise the roots might split.

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