Other Name: Eggplant

Period/Seasonal Colour: Fruits are glossy, light green in colour.

Height: 2 to 6 feet tall

Where To Plant: As it is a warm season crop, so it would require a good amount of heat and sun exposure. Sday.

When To Plant: spring or early summer.

How To Plant: Every two seeds should be planted in one pot. You can take a clay pot or plastic gardening pots or trays for planting the seeds. The container should be filled with fertilized soil and a hole should be made in order to place the seeds. Cover it with heap of soil and water the seed.

Added Benefits: Eggplant is very low in calories and fats but rich in soluble fiber content. 100 g provides just 24 calories but contributes about 9% of RDA (recommended daily allowance) of fiber.

Tips: The brinjals can be harvested when the fruits are still glossy. Do handle your home-grown brinjals with care as they bruise easily. Once picked, the fruit should not be stored too long.

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