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Other Name: Allium schoenoprasum

Period/Seasonal Colour: The chive plant will flower in May or June. (The flowers are edible.)

Height: 12 inches (30 cm) tall.

Where To Plant: Chives grow easily from seed planted rolex datejust mens 126234wro silver tone white dial directly in the ground around the last frost date for your area or as transplants

When To Plant: Chives grow easily in containers and can be taken indoors in fall in pots to grow in a sunny window in winter. You can even plant chives under open canopied trees as long as they get at least one-half day’s worth of direct sun

How To Plant: Soil needs to be moist, fertile, rich, and well-draining. Before planting, incorporate 4 to 6 inches of well-composted organic matter. Apply 2 to 3 tablespoons of all-purpose fertilizer (16-16-8) per square foot of planting area. Work compost and fertilizer into the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.Plant seeds ¼ inch deep and final plant spacing should be 4 to 6 inches apart in all directions.

Added Benefits: Chives are part of the allium family of vegetables and herbs, which also includes garlic, scallions, onions and leeks

Tips: Harvest chives 30 days after you transplant or 60 days after seedingBe sure to cut the leaves down to the base when harvesting (within 1 to 2 inches of the soil)

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